Friday, 18 March 2016

three bike men clashed-crashed at eziobodo/bike business in FUTO

It was almost a suicidal drama this Morning at eziobodo futo road ,as three bikes involved in a crash  struggling to get passengers and flee as fast to drop them and return to pick more passengers. Dgossip was present at the scene  and this were the findings.
According to the first bike man Mr calistus.  He was the first to be called by the passenger so he drove to pick her up but suddenly the fellow bikeman who happened to be a student drove infront to pick up the passenger.  Making him to drive faster to pick the passenger since he was the one called First.  It was at this chase that another bike man rushing to drop his passengers drove with speed confused of what the other two bikes where trying to do.  Then he hit Mr calistus who now colided with the student bikeman  almost scratching the passenger they wanted to pick. For almost an hour they stood quarreling. Quoting the student bike man (name not revealed )"I saw a passenger and I came to carry her. I don't know where this man came from" further questions to the student bike man. On how he coped with school and riding bike?. He spoke after a while hesitate "in case you don't know bike is a very awsome business in FUTO.  Here weather on high purchase or biking it yourself " after which he left.

At dgossiplodge.
Mr. Denis: I find it very interesting seeing this bikemen hustle  passengers and even the students bikemen?. Its all good. As for bike being a source of income in FUTO. 
i must confess its a true thing.  I can help anyone who want to involved in it.
Contact me.  Write to the DGOSSIPFUTO fbpage. Thanks

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