Thursday, 31 December 2015

Hemilion ft Kzeal THIS YEAR

It's the best time of the year.  As all new year resolutions take place.  Prayers Thanksgiving and celebration. As our very own brothers, sons and friend Hemilion and Kzeal drops an inspiring, hit song THIS YEAR. Assuring every hustler and all that this year.. is. Going to be great. HEMILION.(masquerade master) heading the rap and kzeal giving us the melody
Are you a lover of sweet and inspiring music, download this

start your day with good luck music.


Wednesday, 30 December 2015

possibilities of winning the starlett award for Diasum

DIasum is the man of the moment as they say.
The jogodo master himself is out for the starlett eastern award of Nigeria.

Ranking as one of the Finest  music artist from the east. DIASUM who has the love of his fans.  Has proven, to have all it takes to clinch this year. 2015 starlett award as the next rated artist of the year.
Follow link to vote

Lots of discussions from dgossip lodge . Regarding the present comments has it all based on the fact that diasum will take  the gold home..
Team diasum and team damsels all behind,, the young talent with support from campus movers Nigeria.  And campus connect Nigeria as their ambassador.
Eklipse of the megastar record the Bikokwa rapper ft bosaline has his thumbs up for kidbro.
Also Xino ybnl.  Nnamdi of boybreed and Smockizzy and many bigheads in the music industry from the east. Supports the boy..
We came across this comments on the vote link

" █diasum bruh is the quan.
daddy asked me to represent.
he said u gotta bring this home
by rapharanking on Dec 26,
2015 at 11:56 pm"
#Rapharanking? put it like this patoranking is behind DIASUM..

DGOSSIP:  we wish him luck. what's your stake

Know more about @sicojdiasm twitter & instagram

Download his songs
Jogodo by Diasum ft sss
Damsel by DIASUM
Love me now by diasum
There are rumors he has a couple of surprise for the fans on or after the award night. We anticipate.

Written by king Dennis 

Sunday, 25 October 2015


Top News from  
@onyejiakasixtus : New VC at KOGI STATE UNIVERSITY: Prof. MOHAMMED ABDULKADIR has taken over from Prof. Hassan Isah whose tenure expired 12 Oct - Registrar

@ONYEJIAKASIXTUS : 68 STUDENTS EXPELLED from KOGI STATE UNIVERSITY: 19 for exam malpractice, 49 for poor academic performance - Registrar, Dr Yakubu Abubakar.

 UNIMAID campus radio station starts test transmission: Operates on 97.5 FM, station ID is Kanem FM. CONGRATS GUYS! 


Thursday, 22 October 2015



The Stand of ALUTA Reunion excos on the rumoured increment of school fee....
We write to notify the student of the federal university of technology Owerri to discard/disregard any information concerning the increment of school fee. This is because as far as the student union government is concerned its just a rumour and we would like to also use this medium to notify our students that we are committed in making sure that their voices surely must count this time.... ALUTA REUNION...ODUNZE  EBUKA INNOCENT ( Sug director of welfare )

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


How To Reduce Menstrual Pain

Menstral period is unavoidable for every adolescent female. Its usually average between 26-35days(vary) cycle in most ladies. During this period, the body tries to get rid of the product of the last ovulation(egg release by the ovary into the fallopian tube) because fertilization by the make sperm did not happen.
This phase is often painful in most ladies because the body tries to shed off tissues of the uterine wall, blood vessels and fluids. Symptoms can range in severity from a mild annoyance to severe pain that interferes with normal activities. Growing up with my elder sister has given me a little experience as she oftentimes go moody during this period. Menstrual cramps that aren’t caused by an underlying condition tend to lessen with age and often improve once a woman has given birth.
Symptoms Of Menstrual Pain*.

Cramps in the lower abdomen*.Lower back pain
*.Leg pain, radiating down the legs
*.Fainting spells (in extreme cases)
 (Home Remedies)Medications can be used to relieve painful menstrual cramps and this are mainly anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and piroxicam (Felvin) are available without aprescription and are effective at blocking the effects of prostaglandins.
I will share with you some practical ways which you can adopt;
1) Firstly, you have to understand the physiology of your body as a lady. You must have a good knowledge of your body and what you react to.
2) Shave your pubic hair; hygeine is very important for a lady especially during menstration. You will smell and people will perceive odour if you dont clean thatpart of your body well. Use of clean water, mild disinfectants and soaps. Clean shaved pubic area will allow easy cleaning and prevent blood clot and stains from sticking to the perineal area.
3)Eat well, reduce activity; Menstration can be energy sapping because there is continous blood loss and virgina contraction. You need to eat good, food balanced diet and avoid any stressful work or overworking of the muscles
4) Take warm water; Warm water will calm down the body and reduce menstral blood clot thereby easing the flow and discharge.

5)Body massage, Exercise the stomach; Exercising the perinealmuscles and the laps relaxes the muscles of the vaginal wall and smoothens menstration
6)Drink lemon water every morning after you wake up. This will have an alkalizing effect on the body and keep the body hydrated and mineralized. Stay hydrated throughout the day,
7)Must include vitamin D3 in your diet. Especially if you live is a colder climate where sunlight is reduced during the winter season. Prevention is always better than the cure, which is why making sure your body has enough vitamin D is important in preventing menstrual cramps.A study found that high doses of vitamin D3 led to a significant decrease in menstrual cramps.
8) Always have an orgasm. Yes, that’s right — orgasms help to relieve all kinds of pain, including menstrual cramps. Before an orgasm, the uterus is more relaxed, and at the moment of climax, blood flow increases, helping to relieve the cramps. Orgams relieve the pain through the release of endorphins, which help you to feel instantly better. They also help to relaxyour whole body and induce sleep so you won’t feel any cramping at all.9)Increase consumption of leafy greens to ensure enough B vitamins, fiber and mineral supply in the body. You will get a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitaminsand other minerals through leafy greens. Swiss chard, collard greens, yogurt, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, spinach contains these minerals.

10)Eat fatty fish, fish or flax oil every day to get relief from hormonal imbalances.
11)My most favourite remedy to get relief from cramps is an Ayurvedic homeremedy using cinnamon and ginger to make a tea. Just use ¼ tsp. of ground cinnamon and a pinch of ground ginger or couple of thin slices of half an inch of fresh ginger to a cup of hot water. Wait and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the tea. I will also write a recipe for pain free period tea concoction.
12)Evening primrose oil are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and are known to reduce breast pain andtenderness as well as PMS symptoms. Dietary intake of calcium and magnesium is crucial for balancing the hormones.13)Using heating pads or hot water bagsaround the area relaxes the stiff muscles and reduces pain by bringing oxygen in the area. One of the most important things to address is relaxationthrough 7-8 hours of sound sleep and stress reduction. Meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama) also assists in reducing stress
14) If you eat a lot of nuts, seedsand grains then increase aerobicexercises. Aerobic exercises releases endorphin hormones or “feel good” hormones in the body. The presence of this hormone works like a natural pain killer.15)Apply natural progesterone cream or wild yam cream. Apply this cream on stomach, lower abdominal area, buttocks, things, breasts and upper arm area. Best time to apply this cream is a week before the start of your period.
Address sleep, stress and digestive imbalances and practice a balanced healthprotocol for 6-8 weeks in order to reduce any PMS symptoms including cramps. If you are someone who tends to stray away from your health routine, then make sure you apply as many of the above mentionedremedies as possible a week before your cycle. This I would say is still a band aid solution.Stay Healthy!!!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015



The peaceful and calm environMent around umuchima, was reported to have experienced another robbery attack some days ago.
An eye witness disclosed to our reporter dgossipfuto that the heist took place in the early hours of Saturday. A team of four(4) bandits invaded legacy lodge and robbed the inhabitants of the lodge, in the process one of them was caught while the other three escapes unhurt.
He further disclosed that before he was caught, he was seen begging for a shirt to put on as he left his shirt at legacy while on the run. When he noticed that his actions were being suspected and monitored, he quickly swerved to a nearby bush around koko mansion. He later found a pathway leading to amausa road where he tried bothering a bike but meet his waterloo as he was reprimanded by a vigilante. He was later taken to the police station since he couldn't defend himself in front of the vigilante.

Meanwhile, a suspected criminal was burnt beyond
recognition by an angry mob around umuchima yesterday October 19th. The robber was caught after him and his gang members attempted to steal a motorcycle from an okada rider at night. His accomplices escaped but he was caught and burnt.

Students are admonished to avoid keeping late nights as the neighborhood is no longer  safe.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Though I’m a male, I would like to address myself as a female for the benefit of those reading thistopic.I highly disagree with withholding sex, and a lot ofpsychologists also disagree. But I personally havea few reasons for why I view it as just plainheartless.I understand that you are trying to prove a point,but withholding sex may not be the best way toprove your point despite what you may think.1. Withholding sex teaches your man to only valueyour body. When you withhold sex from yourman, you are sending a message. The message is,“My body is a reward.” And don’t get me wrong. Ithink every woman’s body is a prize, but whenyou withhold sex from a man, you are telling himthat the only thing he should worry about is doingwhat you want him to do so that he can get “theprize”.There is more to a woman than her body, so whyare you only withholding your body? I’m not tryingto give you any other ideas to torture your man,but why not withhold everything you do? Are youonly a sex toy? If not, stop treating yourself likethe only valuable thing about you is your vagina.2. Withholding sex is prostitution. Oh yes I did justgo there! When you withhold sex, you are sendinga second message: “My body is for sale.” You areteaching the man that if he gives you A, B, and C,then you’ll give him X, Y, and Z. Basically, you aremaking a transaction or exchanging goods. Youare bartering. Yes, in relationships there shouldbe negotiating, but sex should not be a part of thenegotiation. You shouldn’t barter sex. That’s whatprostitutes do.3. Withholding sex is emotionally abusive. Thereare men in this world that actually enjoy havingsex with the woman they love, and they use sex asa way to express that. When you withhold sexfrom him, you are sending a final message: “Idon’t want to love you”. Let’s face it. The onlyreason why women withhold sex is to hurt theguy. Just be honest and call it what it is. Let’s notpretend that we don’t know it’s a mean spiritedthing to do. It is only done to inflict pain. Andthat’s why it’s abuse. It’s only done to make theman feel lonely, deprived, and left in the cold. If aman purposely makes a woman feel that way, wewould say he’s abusive. So why not say that whenit’s the other way around?Sex is supposed to be an expression of love. It’snot supposed to be used as a way to get what youwant, reward people for things, or to punishpeople for things. I hate when women use theirbodies in this way because it matches thestereotype that we use our bodies and sexuality toget what we want. I always want us to transcendthose stereotypes, but some of us are doing agood job of proving those stereotypes to be true.I don’t quite know who to blame for this, but theperception that you can get whatever you want byhaving or withholding sex is flawed. Every timeyou do that, you are reducing yourself down tojust a body. You are ignoring the parts of you thatcan actually get the job done “the mind andthe spirit.”You can’t actually believe that withholding sex isthe best way to prove your point. Are you tellingme that you can’t come up with any other way tobarter without using your body? If you can’t, thenyou don’t need to have kids because kids don’twant to have sex with you, so how are you goingto get them to behave?You know what I think? I think some women thinkmen are children. They think they have to“discipline” him if he does something wrong. Ifyou have a man that needs to be disciplined, thenmaybe you shouldn’t be with him. I personallyprefer to date a man that has already been raisedwell by his mom. I don’t want to date someonethat I have to raise and discipline. If you have todo that, then maybe you shouldn’t be with him inthe first place. Don’t you know that you are notthe only woman with a vagina? If you don’t give itto him, wheredo you think he will get it? From another woman,of course! With all the Rachel Uchitels of theworld, there would be lots of women who wouldbe glad to sleep with your man if you refuse tow

Thursday, 24 September 2015


They say that a boat is safe on the docks, but that's not what boats are made for. How can you grow if you choose to stay within your comfort zone?Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, and dancewith it. - Kyra DavisMost people spend a huge amount of timein their comfort zones because they are too afraid to step out into the unknown. After all, the comfort zone gives you a formof mental security where you know everything is in its place, and you know how everything works. But doesn't that sound absolutely boring?How to get out of your comfort zoneThe comfort zone revolves around routine and habit, and it adds safety in a constantly moving world. The only problem with this is that when you are in your comfort zone, you are not trying new things or moving ahead from your past and present.It's impossible to progress when you are only playing it safe. So how do you break out of your comfort zone to achieve new things?#1 Know your habits.Habits play a huge part in the comfort zone. They are things you will be doing instead of trying something new. For instance, if you are invited to a party but you stay at home to watch television because that's your routine, then you are staying in your comfort zone. If you only eat at one restaurant and never go anywhere else, then you are staying in your comfort zone.You need to know what habits you have, so you can break them. Try taking a deep look at your routine, and try to mark out all the times that you succumbed to your habits, as this will help you know what to avoid when it comes to breaking out of your comfort zone. You might find that nearly everything you do is a habit, like only going one way to work or only using one type of washing detergent.Understanding your habits and your comfort zone entries will, in the long term, help you break out of them. You can't fight an enemy that you can't see, right?#2 Know what you want to do.It's one thing to break your habits, but it's another thing entirely to know what you'll be replacing your old routine with. It's important to remember that it is easy to think about the things you might lose, but that takes the focus off what you might gain.For instance, if you go to the party, then you might miss out on your favorite television show, but you might meet some amazing people who might become lifelong friends. That, to me, is worth missing out on a show, even if it is part of your routine.You really have to focus on the positives that you can take out of the experience because you if you focus on the negatives,then you will face the challenge negatively,and that will only make it harder.#3 Time for change.One of the best ways to break out of your comfort zone is to make small changes over a period of time. By this, I mean foregoing your favorite restaurant in favor of a slightly more adventurous gustatory option. If you only listen to pop music, give the alternative rock genre a try. These little changes might not seem like much, but they can effectively help you leave your comfort zone.There is no point in trying to run out of your comfort zone with all guns blaring, as you will end up out of your depth, especially if you have spent a long time developing your comfort zone around you. You will have a lifetime's worth of habits that you will need to break before leaving your comfort zone becomes easy.So take baby steps, try changing one thingin your routine each week. If you find that at the end of the week you liked the change, then keep it. If you really hate it, then at least you have tried something new. These little changes will, in the long run, make big changes easier to deal with.#4 Start to let go.One of the hardest things about leaving your comfort zone is letting go of your routines and habits. Afterall, these are things that you have built up over years of your life. You need to want tochange, and for this to happen, you need to say goodbye to a couple of things… At least until you've let them go as your security blanket.You need to let go of your idea of perfection as well because once you leave your comfort zone, it won't be a garden of roses. This shouldn't put you off though, because sometimes, you need to fail to succeed. You might have a routine that works perfectly for you, but if you want to experience something new, then you need to accept that it might get rough for a while.Choosing to walk away from your routine will give you much more control over your life. You will gain a freedom that up until now has been locked away by fear. You will be in full control of your life and what you do, and you won't be holding yourself back, but to have this, you need to let go.#5 Never be afraid of failing.The fear of failure is what stops most people from doing what they want to do. No one wants to fail, no one wants to humiliate themselves, and no one wants to be wrong. You can't let this stop you, though. You can't allow the fear of failure to hold you back. If you do, then you will never leave your comfort zone.As hard as this might seem, you need to block out the fear of failing. Every time your brain tells you that you can't do something, imagine yourself doing it. Show your instincts that you can do it, andthen when it comes to the time, you will believe in yourself 100%. This is really important because if you don't believe in yourself, then you are setting yourself up to fail.All this might seem a little overwhelming to someone who has never broken out of their comfort zone, but the important thingto remember is that you can do it. Fear is an obstacle that you can overcome, and if you stick at it, you will gain so much more than you ever could.Your comfort zone is the easy choice in life. It's that place that you go to when you don't want to face the challenges of the outside world. It's like a time lock where nothing ever changes. And if you spend too much time there, you might end up wasting your life.Breaking out of your comfort zone can make you more productive, it can make you more daring, and it can bring things to your life that you never dreamed of.In 20 years' time if you stay in your comfortzone, where will you be? You will be in the same place that you are now. Yet if you break out of your comfort zone, in 20 years, you could be anywhere!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015


*Breaking News*
Information reaching DGOSSIP  is that Futo has
started sending admission mails to successful aspirants
who participated in the just concluded 2015/2016 POST
An aspirant told our correspondent that they sent him an
Email and below is an excript:
"I am pleased to inform you that you have been offered a
provisional admission to pursue a course of study leading to
award of a B.Eng degree in Civil Engineering Technology of
the Federal University of Technology, Owerri for the
2015/2016 session.
Accept my congratulations on your admission.
Prospective Candidates are advised to check their email
(inbox folder and spam folder) to know if they have been

Saturday, 19 September 2015


When it comes to rap game in the NIGERIA music M.I Abaga is a name that is not to be left out.  It is no doubt he has affected the Nigerian music positively and also has much impact on the young talents who made him there icon.  And one of the staunch followers of M.I is this rising star,  a rap addict one of the fastest rapper from the east by name
Nwaiwu Chinonso, stage name Kristal born on 12 November 1996, recently under Eismann records, award winner Eastern rap artist of the year Enugu 2015, runner up FUTO king of the mic, from his fans ( IF YOU HAVENT SEEN KRISTAL FREESTYLE THEN YOU ARE ON A LONG THING).it is no doubt he has a lot of goodies for the fans waiting for good music with many renowned record labels wanting his signature.

KRISTAL is a visionary in the making, recently we took the privilege to interview the young star.
#dgossip: 'KRISTAL' the name sounds familiar, what does it mean
#Kristal: Kristal is a precious stone.... A gem......I got it from my friends in secondary school bkos of how diff my rap style is
#dgossip: Where do You hail from
#Kristal: I hail from isiala Mbano LGA IMO state
#dgossip: do You have Any track yet
#Kristal: I have one single titled Jacobean, with a couple of collabos
#dgossip: Why M.I as role model
#kristal: I chose MI because of his lyrical brilliance ....His ability to make u see what he raps about in ur mind
#Future Aspiration: i want to be Nigeria's rap god
#Favourite Record Label : Chocolate city
#Role Model: Jude Abaga (MI)

follow Fb: chinonso Kristal Nwaiwu
IG: @kristanova

DGOSSIP: this guy is a promise to the fans and lovers of music


Is it just me .
Am I the only one observing the improvement of modeling in NIGERIA. What do u think of me ballyhooing?..  nop, haven taken a closer look to the past modelling, pageantry and model agencies in Nigeria, I have come to the conclusion that we are really striving and making it to the perfection.  Back then was a lay ur back on the bed and win for the females and highest Beeder for the male.  But now from all I can see #NIGERIA FASHION IDOL #MR TOURISM IMO #MISS EXQUISITE and from different pageantries it is obviously a win by merit..
 I must say many young models are still on the ladder I bet they are coming out better
Ranging from different tertiary institution a strong finger pointing to the FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OWERRI with more than two representative in every angle of modeling in NIGERIA.  recently we have The FUTO miss SUG emiritus INNOCENTIA who won the most beautiful face TOURISM IMO with different other award now chasing the crown of MISS PLANET NIGERIA To Vote for here, click in the link below 
Also the present Mr Sug JUSTIN GODWIN out for MR TOURISM
Representing also we have AnAbel looking up to be the next miss exquisite 
And many others.  To be blunt this a university with much respect to study than social but still this our brave minds took it on themselves to rep the school.  I say kudos/thumbs up/ and go on to the..



This is to inform all FUTO 2015 eligible Direct
Entry Applicants that the registration hv date has
been extended till Friday, September 25, 2015.
Also, the screening exercise has been re-
scheduled to Tuesday, September 29, 2015.
FUTO hereby directs candidates to reprint their
Application form and Photo card to see their
newly assigned examination details.
Candidates are therefore advised to do so as
soon as possible to verify their new screening



Is that a question or an argument..

The Godwin singer  KOREDE BELLO (doro mega super star ) with no argument is one popular and fresh kid in the music industry signed to the Marvin but recently a question popped up as a fan of an upcoming artist SICOJ DIASUM of megastar recordz  posted the picture of korede Bello against SICOJ DIASUM, with the tag "WHO knows how to do it best?" this has raised an eyebrow of many fans  follow up @dgossipuniversity to view comments and put in your thought on the pics.

JOGODO by @sicojdiasm       Vs        GODWIN by @koredebello

TELL ME SOMETHING. @koredebello        VS.   DAMSEL @sicojdiasm

Without being sentimental I Think this guys are good to go
Let's find out what they have to say

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


It all took place in unilag during a performance as a fan rushes up the stage and steal Olamide's cap as he tried to chase after him...

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Celebrity Selfie Showcase

DIASUM. O.S. in collaboration with D'GOSSIP FUTO and FSC_TV comes this.


How many fans have.  How good do your fans love u. 
How can u get your fans to follow u up. 
Do they really know you. 
And lots more.. 

The CSS will be in different category.. 
The online photo challenge. 
The street to street questioning of fans by the FSC_TV (Which will be in view for all)
Then the Social media followers.  

Lots of recognition awaits u when u win.. 

*you must be fan abled.
(Artist, writer, model,musician,dancer,Dj, head of an organization or a group etc: 

To compete send your details (pictures, phone number. Twitter or instagram handle.. Facebook handle if u don't those..  ) 
To DIASUM 08164895443.
0813 321 0475

  E-Sure (hot fm 99.5Fm owerri )

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

F2 celebrates

Its the birthday celebration of the igboto master..
F2 . The young talented artist and one of the best rappers from the east. who's full name is FRANKLIN IBE. is a graduate of the Federal University of technology owerri.. reads on to +1 in life while still. Pushing his Music career to the top..  signed into Folkshood entertainment.  He is said to be droping two new hot. jamz on this day 10th of september as he celebrates his 2.5th birthday .

Happy birthday F2 D'Gossip loves u

Thursday, 23 July 2015


eziobodo is now having one of the largest percentage of water logging in FuTO. this situation has long been the tradition in FUTO.. every raining season otiamiri will be relocated to eziobodo.. what are the occupants of this village doing.. at FUTO road precisely is it the work of the school or the village..

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME SCREENING EXERCISE  Candidates who chose Federal University of Technology, Owerri as choice university in the 2015 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), are hereby invited to a Screening Exercise, provided the names of such candidates are on the list submitted to the university by JAMB. This means that some candidates, who chose FUTO as choice university, will not be eligible to participate in the screening exercise. The reason is purely and solely because JAMB has not shortlisted such candidates in the list sent to FUTO. Consequently, intending applicants are expected to first login to to ascertain their eligibility to participate in 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise, based on the list JAMB sent to FUTO  The Screening Exercise  v    The 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise shall be conducted using Computer Based Testing (CBT)  v    The venue for the exercise is ICT Centre, FUTO, Owerri  v    Specific date and time for screening are as specified on candidate’s PUTME Online Slip  v    Any candidate who is one (1) hour late would not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.  v    GSM phones, Calculators and other electronic devices are not allowed into the venue.  v    Candidates for screening should come with the following  Ø  UTME Result Slip  Ø  PUTME Online Slip  Ø  E-Tranzact or evidence of Payment Slip used for online application     Closing Date for Online Application  The application portal will close for 2015/2016 FUTO POST-UTME Screening Exercise applications by midnight of Friday, August 07, 2015  Read more :


Man o war early morning parade  Early this morning 22 July the man o war were seen parading the school, gyrating and matching alongside the man o war van with siren. A match of anger as they sounded the environment with gunshots  This could be due to the emergency meeting held by the Dean and SUG ex cos as at yesterday .
 D'GOSSIP: IS THIS A SECURITY COME BACK OR A GANGSTAR FIGHT BACK.                     WELL THE SCHOOL is in the hand of the maker

Tuesday, 21 July 2015


Hall c girls are still angry with the school government as they deny an plea from them untill power supply is brought back to school as the cute ladies kept on shouting ODE O'O'! MAN O WAR O'O'! UTONWA O'O'!  Meanwhile the school government are planning on logistics to use and calm them down   Watch pics of the dean and the SUG exco's discussing and planing on an emergency meeting

D'GOSSIP: we hope this brings back the school to status


Monday, 20 July 2015


Rape/ robbery incident at STACC  As the robbery incident was been taken care of at hall C .  A bike man who was supposed to take a girl to the hostel also carrying another guy at the bike decided to robbed the girl.  According to the girl the bike man followed umuchima rout instead of Anglican church road leading to hostel when she asked them why they gave excuse of robbery at the hostel and before she could know it they took her to a dark area robbed her and asked her to run at then she screamed and ran into stacc.


  Stampede at marracana hall b, hall c robbery was an earthquake to the whole school as stampede almost took place at marracana where the hall boys where charging their phones, as the gunshot was heard all the boys at the point ran out all trying to run through a particular door matching some people and others went wounded as it is before they could come back their fellow students ran in and took most phones it was a war of the fittest as some guys who came in latter on not seeing their phones took others.  
 D gossip: this is becoming outrageous.  When will all these mess end. All this are as a result of lack of electricity in the school what is this recent sug government doing about these . V.C since these incidents we haven't seen any effort .  The students are really complaining to the D'GOSSIP   As it now the students are planning on a protest and thus is spoiling the schools name


Hall c is now in dilemma following the recent incident that just took place.  A two armed young men just rubbed the hostel at gunpoint .  Due to to the lack of electricity in the hostels for than a week now the hall c government decided to provide the girls with light to charge their phones and lanterns it at this point two young men bounced in with guns chased the girls and took all their accessories (phones, laptops, and reading lamps ) this robbery took on for more than 15 minutes and according to the girls no help showed up both from the man o war and the military , it was after some minutes of the incident that the man o war showed the girls were so angry and furious with them that they fought the man o war and chased them out asking where they were when they robbery was going on. It was an all night war with the girls parading round the school and angrily declining any help from both the military and the man o war who at this tine were chasing the students to their hostels  .  According to a girl d gossip interviewed the armed guys shot a victim at the leg.  She also pointed an accusing finger on the man o war saying they might have a hand in the robbery .   

Monday, 13 July 2015

robbery/rape in Fedral university of technology

FUTO is really going on the disposed outfit with the recent happenings following the recent riots in the hostels regarding lights out, a recent impediment followed as hall girls were robbed including the millitary quarter in FUTO .


also at same night a rape attack took on at eziobodo road


OFF THE LIGHT MOVEMENT Nigerian students are angry FUTO STUDENTS ARE VEXED as they rioted in hostels on the night of 13july requesting that the hostel lights should be offed due to the 5 days power shutdown in hostel B following the 4weeks shutdown in the hostels as at few weeks ago thus ha angered the whole students especially and at the moment when the operator of the gen house oned and offed hall b light Leaving other hostels.  the students took it on themselves that no light should be in the school environment and therefore requested that the generator be offed! and. with larged protest shutdown all bikes light . and destroyed the Gen house gate when they tried to off it and the operator locked it and took to his heels. also the SUG president O.D.E was chased away by the Protestants who almost destroyed the the car he came with.  shouting less the tire!!
the students Where still walking angrily in the whole school till the Man O' war showed off. even though the students were silent. there'e'er rumors they are planning to attack the Senate. D'GOSSIP:  NO NEPA LIGHT NO GENERATOR LIGHT WHERE ARE WE HEADING TO ASIABAKA DO SOMETHING.

Friday, 10 July 2015

policeman's hand cut off trying to stop a car

A Policeman wanted to arrest a bus driver so he tried jumping inside the bus. The driver on seeing this increased his speed but lost control of the automobile and hit a culvert which led to this graphic scene. See photos below and remember the photos are graphic.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Advice to upcoming artist by DJ KAY Y

I made the first post n didn't drop it here on the blog but on fb n other social networks,  Some entertainers are complaining and faulting it with words like... "Those artists no get lagos standard songs"...   WTF?! Nowadays if one comes up with a song, some stupid promoters go begin cast am saying that its not lagos standard!... Pls whats Lagos standard?   The other cities in the 36 states no get their own standards?... Good music is good music...  No city or state should be the standardising measure... Thats the singular reason why every song in Nigeria sounds the same... Producers going round in circles around their already made up songs that don't last 1 or 2yrs.  Mehn... Even till tomorrow "african queen by 2baba, originality by faze, no condition is permanent by African china, hiphop gyration by mr. Raw e.t.c still stand the test till tomorrow unlike the meaningless hummings artistes do these days to beats of already made hits in circulation. If u want to do song that sounds like the hit versions of them, who are u promoting?   Ur talent or the already known hit joint. Why do artistes think they will blow by leeching on hit joints beats n styles? Be Original... Be creative... Be a musical artiste not a dubbing machine! Many wonder why a Ghanian won the BET out of the blues?   Well that act is original n not sounding like someone else. Well for those attacking me for my earlier bc, be warned next time I will expose y'all and it ain't gonna be funny...  tell these upcoming artists the truth... Stop the lie... Because everyone is losing!  @DjKay_Y follow on twitter @ms_records @sicojdiasm

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Emmanyra and her lover smockizzy

The lady of water and American based Nigerian songstress Emma nyra on early morning intagram chat referred to Nigerian based emerging Rap hiphop sensation Smockizzy aka 9jaz Rap Messiah as her love and furthermore through the short chat they made it known they are birthday Mates... #july18... 
 D'GOSSIP: is something cooking??? mmmmm... view pic below

Saturday, 4 July 2015


THE hidden lamps of FUTO social community is now burning out it flames to the clear view of the whole campus both in NIGERIA and FUTO at large. as the DANCE OFF STAGE bounces in, the first of it's kind in FUTO a Dance concert with great expectations.coming up on Thursday 9th of July '15. Time: 5:00pm
 at the gossip lodge it was said to have the best video shoot crew #THE UNLIMITED L.A.  and it will have a life broadcast by ORIENT TV OWERRI. all dancers on campus are expected and encouraged to be there ! for this is a life changing event where lots of prices will be given away.
BEST DANCERS WILL HAVE A VIRAL VIDEO SHOOT & MASSIVE PROMOTION by unlimited. L.A & Deezy media also will feature in the upcoming Dos video shoot (SMOCKIZZY ANTHEM )

this is proudly brought to you by AKA SAMMY SMOCKIZZY (De sOcial Smockizzy'15) ALUTA D.O.S .
Obioma Bima okwu (O.B.O) Drebirth Of Soscialization'15 aspiring for socs D.O.S. andDiasum Onyejiaka Sixtus (d.o.s)
 De Opera Swag'15


@realsmockizzy @bimadance

D'GOSSIP:  this is a dream come true for FUTO SOCIAL COMMUNITY.  DO NOT MISS OUT

Sunday, 28 June 2015

18 facts about the penis

For all the attention they direct below the belt, most men actually know very little about their penises. Here’s the knowledge you need to keep yours healthy, strong, and ready for action-for life. 1. Every p*nis was a clitoris. Every p*nis in the womb starts as a clitoris before hormones ‘s*x’ the brain of the to-be male. The man-hood retains the mark of its female heritage: its dark underskin and the thin ridge or seam, known as the raphe, which runs from scrotum to anus, are remnants of the fusion of the vaginal lips. 2. Penises used to have spines. Though they were lost before Neanderthals and modern humans diverged. Scientists are still not quite certain of their purpose, but they speculate that it apparently quickened the pace of an erection and is more common in promiscuous species (such as cats). 3. Fetuses can have erections! Male fetuses can have erection during the third trimester, according to ultrasound scans. 4. No brain is necessary for ejaculation: the order to release comes from the spinal cord, not the brain. 5. King of ancient tribes ate p*nises: In ancient tribes, the king would often eat the p*nis of his predecessor to apparently absorb his holy power. This practice was allegedly banned by the ancient Hebrews. 6. Testifying on testicles: In pre-biblical times, men would swear on their own p*nises. The word “testify” is derived from a Roman legal practice of swearing on one’s testicles. The word “man-hood” comes from the Latin word for “tail”. 7. “Shaved” guardians in Muslim empires: In great Muslim empires, there would be a guardian assigned to each harem’s bed. The guardians had to be “shaved,” which meant having his testicles and p*nis removed. 8. King Fatefehi of Tonga: between the years of 1770 and 1784, he apparently deflowered 37,800 women. 9. Diphallus is a rare condition that affects one in 5-6 million males. It’s when a man is born with two p*nises. Unfortunately, it’s rare that both are fully functional, and it often comes in tandem with other deformities that also require surgery. 10. P*nises can actually break: Every year, hundreds of men break their erect p*nis, researchers say. Most do so during “violent intercourse.” But there are also cases where men snap their member – indeed, specialists note that such incidents are accompanied by an audible crack – by falling out of bed with an erection. The cure for a broken man-hood? Six weeks of bed rest with a man-hood splint. 11. Smoking can shorten your man-hood by as much as a centimeter. Erections are all about good bloodflow, and lighting up calcifies blood vessels, stifling erectile circulation. 12. The foreskin has an abundance of Langerhans cells, which are immune cells that are infiltrated by HIV. This may explain why circumcised men in Africa have a 60% lower rate of HIV infection from heterosexual intercourse. 13. A healthy male averages 11 erections per day-nine of them while asleep. After ejaculating, it can take him anywhere from two minutes to two weeks to achieve another erection. 14. From shower to grower: On average, a limp man- hood will increase in volume 300% when it is erect. It will also contain more than eight to ten times its normal amount of blood. 15. Jonah Falcon, a 42-years-old man with a 9-inch man-hood (22.86 cm; 13.5 inches, or over 34 cm when hard). He’s the man with the world’s largest p*nis. 16. Animals with the biggest and smallest p*nises: the Blue Whale is the animal with the biggest recorded p*nis to date, at 8 feet (over 2 m) long. The adult male elephant has the biggest recorded p*nis for land animals, at 6 feet (1.8288 m, and S-shaped when erect). And coming in with the smallest man-hood is the shrew, at .2 inches (0.5 cm). 17. Koro, a culture-specific syndrome, where a man (or a woman) is overcome with a debilitating fear that his p*nis (or her nipples) is shrinking and will eventually disappear. Interestingly, this fear is borne out of no real proof or evidence. It is also known as “man-hood panic” and has been said to provoke mass hysteria. 18. Semen can cure depression: Apparently, semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep, and contain at least three antidepressants. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase affection; as well as estrone, which elevates mood; oxytocin, which also elevates mood; thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which is another antidepressant; melatonin, which is a sleep aid; and serotonin, which is a well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter.


 FUTO Students In Hostels Suffering FUTO Students In Hostels Suffering From Power Supply.... See Pictures News reaching us from our ears on ground has it that, for the past few days now, even after the 3days excuses from tge PRO .
there has been NO light in the Hostels of the Federal University of Technology Owerri due to the thunder storm that striked few days ago causing damage to the power supply. It's a shocking news that students in hostels now struggles to charge their mobile phones, laptops and rechargeable Lantern where ever they came in little contact with light. Below are the pictures of what is happening in futo hostel, @Marakana

Saturday, 27 June 2015


According to a story sent to us from Akwa Ibom, a 19 year old boy named Daniel Michael Edet, (pictured right) a student from Idoro in Uyo LGA, killed his aunt, Glory Edet Ebere, 44 (left). The boy used to live with his aunt but one day left her home unceremoniously. For months the aunty didn’t hear from him but on June 11th, he showed up at her house and said he wanted to return home. The woman who lived alone told him he was no more welcomed in her house, that he should go back to wherever he was coming from. Daniel then asked for money to go back and the aunt said she had no money to give him. A quarrel ensued and Daniel attacked his aunt. He stabbed her multiple times, killing her. He then stole her car keys, locked her corpse inside the house and left. Later Daniel returned to the home with his friend, one Ekemini Effiong James (pictured above) and together they dragged the corpse of Glory Ebere into the bedroom. Both of them cooked, ate and passed a night in the same house. Narrating how they were caught, Akwa Ibom Assistant Commissioner of Police, State Criminal Investigation Department, Mike Okoli, said when neighbours noticed the two boys at the house with no sign of the woman for days, they became suspicious. When the two boys tried to get rid of the body, a vigilant neighbour accosted them which led to their arrest. Upon investigation, Daniel admitted to killing his aunt alone. He said – “Ekemini Effiong James did not kill, but was aware since he slept in the same room.”

Friday, 26 June 2015


the birthday birthday uh that hit the heart if FUTO and NEKEDE is no other birthday.  that many. were ask III g if it was a Freshers night or a SUG Mmm night as DIASUM storms the school with. lists of artist and entertainers the party held. on the 23rd III f June at Riverside hotel nekede.  with. a huge turn up.  artist that attended the the ed party were

IT was CRAZy as the jogodo master himself celebrates   Venue: Riverside hotel nekede   Time:  7Pm till Mum calls   Dress code:.dress to kill     DJ KAY Y & DJ KAY Z on the wheels Of steels   Artists:  Hemillion F2 EKLIPSE  CUTE TONY  SMOCKIZZY  VIZZY  EMILEX  WARITUOTUO RAYSPRINCE   JESSYGIBS  JERRY4OXIDE  CRYSTAL  RAPSHEEN  J.CHRIS   STARPRINCE  SPACEWIZZY   MC NUEL  MC LAFING GAS   K'TRILLER DANCE CREW QUINCY  U don't wanna be told.
 drinks was a galore affair. a great performance by diasum and crew (MEGASTAR RECORDZ) There was all roun

d performance.

BVN (bank verification number ) this issue is now the topic if the day as everyone is running round the clock to make sure they purchase there's.. these has been install for more than a month. now despite the warnings many Nigerians didn't take it serious untill. recently when it is reaching it close date
.we urge everyone to make sure ru o get just/her bvn..

a customer was seen today in a serious quarrel with banker over BVN


PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT ON FAKE PUTME ADVERTS The attention of FUTO Management has been drawn to fake adverts on purported commencement of sale of application forms for FUTO 2015/2016 PUTME. The Management wishes to use this avenue to distant herself from such adverts. For avoidance of doubts, the Management wishes to state categorically, that the sale of FUTO 2015/2016 post UTME application forms has not yet commenced. We shall duly inform the general public, via our official website and relevant mass media, the time and details for the commencement of sale of application forms for our 2015/2016 post UTME exercise. The general public is hereby advised to be properly guided. Signed: FUTO ICT, Director

You can always refere to D'GOSSIP FUTO FOR MORE


Yesterday, during the rain storm,a thunder struck the generator house and apparently cause a malfunction in the power dissemination section of our generator. According to the director of welfare, the repairs were not completed today because  of some Circumstances. However,he assures that power will be restored ASAP.(first two days )

we are advised to be present to have our say in the state of the Union, as our voice remains our greatest weapon for rapid development. Time is 3pm,venue SUG Secretariat.

(the third day)
I am sorry to preempt you that the generator repairs could not be completed today owning to the scarcity of the #automaticpowermodule that was destroyed by the thunderstorms that happened two days back. The director of welfare wishes to express his regrets on that. However,we will provide water via the smaller power generators in all our hostels.  Information reaching us says that some unscrupulous elements have been extortion money from intending students aspiring to earn their first degree in FUTO. Please PUTME forms are not on sale for now. Kindly follow us on futonewsonline and or   Thanks.   Comr Ositadinma Evaristus



Despite the assurance of the V.C himself few weeks back saying that the school has a standard power supply.  the ears on ground got so confused when we got to this scene, where students are gathered round. a small generator used just to pump water. to charge there phone.
 students habe there books to read and they can't involve in this without there rechargeable #night readers.  from the gossiperz lodge this is not the first time not the second..  rather is it the last.  most students were visited complained bitterly.  most saying they have missed one or two lectures (impromptu ) due to not be alerted which extends to the fact that there phones have been off for two days..  would the lectures record this when taking attendance.even the seet complex power that use to come on before is now not in use.  is The school depreciating or what.. 
 D'GOSSIP:  we really need urgent call to this before we miss out in most of the school environment


DURING a ground to ground checkmate around the villages in school. a topic popped up as the village of eziobodo which is in the west of FUTO has been secluded under the siege of lack of water as most students were seen with cans buckets and lots of containers heading to the man power.. D'GOSSIP: outschool lodge isn't supposed to be stressful.. why this..

Friday, 19 June 2015


█D,deforestation in FUTO very alarming.  The rate by which trees are being felled in the school environment these days is very alarming. Many students and even lecturers are really frowning at this... the only source to cool oxygen and most time acting as shed and a places to read (the trees ) has been undergoing serious felling which is turning FUTO to almost desert with the Hot sun and no where to lay head or rest while working along futo.. yes! The school might be needing some construction and building but cant they be done with caution to the welfare of the student... while the gossip was reaching to students on this issue. Many complains were heard.  Some complains of headache from the hot sun in the school and the fact that there are no sheds. So one have to endure such till he/she reaches destination.  Few noted out the fact that FUTO is turning to a desert.  Many said that their reading shed has been deprived from them as under the trees is where they stay to read  and enjoy it..  Some students tend to carry their umbrella around school to avoid the scorching of they sun... on the patrol we met this very student from the department of urban and rural planning saying that the school are suppose to be in touch with their department before the cut down trees so as to help kiwi if a particular tree must be cut or not...  DGOSSIP: please lets have oxygen


HIGHEST BIDDER: Wizkid dumps MTN for Glo endorsement. While other telecommunication brand ambassadors have been busy flaunting their contract renewal, Ayo Balogun popularly known as Wizkid who is under a new management kept his cool. The likes Davido, heavily pregnant Tiwa Savage, Chidinma Ekile, Iyanya, the Mavin Crew led by Don Jazzy among others had renewed their contract with giant telecom company but Wizkid have been silent on his been silent on his contract renewal. Reports just coming in has it that 24 year old Wizkid has abandoned MTN having been its brand ambassador two years for indigenous telecom company, Glo. It was gathered that the deal have raked in much more money than his earning at MTN. Wizkid is alleged to have been signed in with a whopping N120M a far cry from what he earned as MTN ambassador. Glo is owned by Nigerian Billionaire, Mike Adenuga. Before signing his contract renewal documents, the boss at Mavin Records, Don Jazzy had flied a kite of Glo pitching him and members of his label as their ambassador. It will be recalled that MTN had in May renewed the deal of most of its brand ambassador. However, Davido and Wizkid were not among those whose contracts were renewed though Davido’s contract was renewed few days ago Meanwhile Wizkid is signed to a new management,Sunday Are led List Entertainment which also manages Omawunmi. It is being rumoured that it is the new management that linked him up for the mouth watering contract. Contact us @SICOJDIASM intagram /twitter 


POWER OF A PAST  the past is a history and a mystery and that it shall always be.    It has been a saying that yesterday has gone ,today is on the move and tomorrow is yet to be. These parables or sayings that tends to control our world, the statement that rotates the moon from each minutes past to the present and heading towards the future. But after every move it always gives reply to the past, in everything we  do on earth,there must be a past doer ,a present doings and a future to be done . The power of the past is emphatically, a theory why we are being without the past there will be no present, without the present the future cant be in existence.   The past exist in order to make the future present.     The past is an induction of the present and seduction to the future.  The words PAST,PRESENT,AND FUTURE are so influential in our life, the are so close to close to each other,that without one the other wont be , since the work in synergy, we shall categorize them and find how they influence us and our life programs.               THE PAST   Now the world was made and created upon the past, the past was always there,it is the strong root on which the trees of the present and the future grows, it is the foundation on which everything we do on earth are built, it is a true gist that "putting the future before the past brings a man to an easy end" its just like trying to run ahead of your creator, more like preparing for a blissful birthday celebration when your mum who gave birth to u is not in a blissful situation.  The past must be solved in order for the present to calculate the future.  E.g if a business man or woman cant sit to calculate his/her gains or losses then she wont know what sales will bring more gain. Let it not be as if we are indulging more into proverbs . It just to set our minds to the knowledge of how much the past cost, having thus in mind that "the confession of the past is a relief to the future".  ★A man can never create his past, the past created us that's why its power over us is strong and not easily detached   ★Anything that did be without a past is like something not in existence.  Even the angels posses a past (where the began as foretold God created them) i cant foresee any being denying of having a past, that means that being came from nowhere this includes the non-living . Although most times our past seems blur but the fact that we have a past still remains . Even God himself not minding the sovereignty and mystery poses a past, because "from the past comes forth everything that whence forth the future" when a child grows up from the orphanage,does that place the child's past at the orphanage? NO. he child came from a womb(meaning he has a mum and dad) lets get the movies,  If one has watched the terminator acted by van Dan , the movie place the terminator as fallen from the sky at first he was in an Adam nature and seem to be without a past but even at that. Then i put it that the sky is his past. You see falling from the sky doesn't exempt one from having a past that's why JESUS the Nazarene didn't chose to fall from the sky as the son of God who he is ,having the power to have done so . But rather he chose to secure his past from a womb. (I guess if he had fallen from the sky with a thunderous sound people would have believed without glimpsing , but i must tell u that as at this century 21st his followers wont be as it is , cause scientists would have claimed one or two things which proves he is either an alien or no being can just fall from the sky ). Also to one of the most interesting seasonal movie "KYLE XY" at the beginning of the movie he was found in a forest without any clue of where he is from. The fact that at the height,age and reasoning he was more babyish and also the ordeal that he has no belly navel (umbilicus) throw to the fact that he wasn't born of a human, towards the ending of the movie he was found to have a mum and dad . The important's of the past is so effective that without it one is nothing.      Now lets face the ordeals of the past. The characteristics of the past.  *how strong is the past?  *how long doesn't it take to act?  *what can the past do + its effects       Many readers might have it in mind that the title of the book is just for naming sake or to make the artwork interesting, but i tell u it is more than just the book. It is what u need. THE PAST HAS POWERS it is so strong that even the dead suffers its blows, imagine one thinking that dying ends everything about the earth but on getting to the spirit realm he gets to face the judgement of the of the past (what he executed on earth)  Lets read an exemplary story of how powerful the past can be .  —  °°°°°°°°°°° Mr Jerry Osondu a man known to be honest, kind hearted, charisma,gentle and Harmless. A man who cant hurt a fly as his wife will put it. Mr. Jerry happened to notice a fault in his car and took it to the mechanic for servicing, the mechanic worked on the car but lacking experience instead repairing he faulted more course on the car . Mr. Jerry returning to take his car found this damages and was vexed after asking the mechanic what he did and getting replies that were anger watery he threatened to..

contn next week (for sponsor call him 08164895443)


GOSSIPERZ LODGE #THE FUTO ROAD MADE POSSIBLE BY O.D.E..  Every student who came in this semester had a smiles on their faces as they entered into the school premises through the back gate. D'GOSSIP was also on a surprise look. The roads were well tiled and sweet.    But the gossiperz lodge wasn't happy with this. Why didn't we know before . @least we show have known how it came about.  The school gov't have been here for few years now and nothing like this until this present SUG regime, where during contest ODE promised the repair and construction of FUTO Back gate and now it is done.. the question is, O.D.E or SCHOOL who brought about the school's back gate road construction ?.  On a spying interview with O.D.E he said........  Find out in next episode.. 


GAME OF THE WEEK.  write down a name thing place fruit and food that starts with the letter (P)  *first 2 to  text win* send answer, name,department,and address to 08164895443.


 CLASH.  DIASUMS BIRTHDAY 23rd June   A social icon and an upcoming musician studying in this honorable institution will be celebrating his birthday on the 23rd if June 2015  D'gossip: a big shout out the the jogodo master u can download his songs(jogodo by diasum) etc.    ( you also celebrate your friends or let people know you are celebrating(contact d'gossipfuto)   

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


after a long crying from. Eziobodo for the indiscriminate painting of walls. an outstanding, creativity came to make the blush..  even when I saw this I was amazed... this guy is not just here as a D.O.S. ASPIRANT he is here to bless FUTO WITH CREATIVITY.. IF NOT THE ALUTA SMOCKIZZY (AKA SAMMY ) WHO ELSE



 Our Elders once said,the white rice that fails to accept the palm oil's hand of friendship has lost a great opportunity to be Jollof Rice.  This is why Hugo Inc Concepts,   The ministry of Tourism Imo state and Peak Milk Nigeria is offering you an opportunity to upgrade your status from mere white rice to an ingredient-packed sweet jollof rice.. Change from a mere person to The Prestigious MR TOURISM IMO 2015 (THE PEAK MAN)         Win a brand new Car.  Register for the biggest Male pageant East of the Niger. Register for Mr Tourism Imo 2015 (The Entrepreneur/The Peak Man) for just 5K.  ☆Audition Date - 2nd July 2015  Venue - Oxygen Hotels Owerri Imo State  Time - 10pm  Sponsors-----> PEAK MILK NIGERIA,TECNO MOBILES,5D CINEMAS,NIGERIAN BREWERIES (Aba branch),Master Mind Movies,SAMSUNG and Swiftech Motors.    For More info and deals---->  08068768765/09094095737  7906D4B6  IG - @hugo_inc_concepts 


◀ STUDENTS STILL MISS YOU.  Changing lives is a vision accomplished by a legend of our great institution  Late Prof. ONWULIRI . Who has been up in the heavens praying for the ones the left behind. D'GOSSIP recently found out that students still miss the legend, and we decided to go on a school #ear on ground many students who knew him said he was a Goodman some has to explain to us the good deeds he rendered to them and many others but there was the particular student who went into tears trying to explain how the legendary late prof. Onwuliri has impacted his life .he couldn't stand to tell the name when running out in tears.  Late. Prof C. O. E Onwuliri  D'GOSSIP might get the student to speak at next episode.